Careers Advice, Information Advice and Guidance

As an organisation that delivers education and training within the construction industry, we pride ourselves on ensuring we offer independent Careers Advice and Information, Advice and Guidance to learners who enrol on our courses.

Where we help learners to develop a CV, we also enable them to identify transferable skills so they are aware of how the skills and experience can be relevant to the many career avenues that can be accessed from gaining a qualification with us.

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Woman Working From Home On Laptop

National Careers Service

Learners can also explore how our qualifications fit in to career development pathways and how they can maximise the benefit of their achievements.

Asian Student Woman With Laptop And Bag, Education Concept


Learners have access to websites that offer them a chance to assess where their skills and behaviours would be best utilised at work.

Listening To Mentor With Attention

Find an apprenticeship

We encourage learners to develop a short-, medium- and long-term plan for their education and career goals and enable them to access this via Apprenticeships Suffolk and their independent careers advice service.

Connect with your career potential...

A range of speakers give presentations to our learners and talk about broader employability behaviours and skills that apply to working life.

Part of our career’s guidance and progression support, involves signposting to external agencies. Learners are encouraged to access advice from further and higher education providers, independent vocational skills providers and bespoke services aimed at the specific needs of teenagers.
